
'UMass Magazine' recognized for excellence

“” received three Gold awards and a Judge’s Choice award at the 2021 Creative Awards given by the Advertising Club of Western Massachusetts on Sept. 14.

The “UMass Magazine”  received a Gold award and a Judge’s Choice award in the category of complete print or digital publication. The creative design team at , which partners with UMass Advancement to design the magazine, was recognized for their custom artwork and unique layouts including bright colors and textured photo treatments to evoke a sense of optimism.

Two feature stories from the spring 2020 “UMass Magazine” were also awarded Gold awards in the single editorial layout category. “” included portraits of student-athletes layered with peaceful landscapes evoking the article’s topic of learning resilience. “” used photography and whimsical illustration to convey the innovation born from renewable energy technology research happening at UMass.

“We’re proud and delighted to have ‘UMass Magazine’ recognized in this way,” says Candice Pinault Novak, editor of the magazine and director of content development for advancement.

“We look forward to an ongoing creative partnership with local designers and artists as we continue to tell the lively, ever-evolving story of UMass Amherst.”

 is a chapter of the 125-year-old group established in New York City, which recognizes exceptional advertising, design, editorial, and creative work.

“UMass Magazine” has a track record of award-winning editorial might. In 2019, the UMass Magazine won two Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) awards; Silver Award for Creative Excellence, and Silver Award for Fundraising and Alumni Relations Excellence website.