Workforce Development

UMass is the 3rd largest employer in Massachusetts, with nearly 20,000 graduates each year and 330,000 alums living and working in Massachusetts.

75% of UMass undergraduates are living & working in Massachusetts five years after graduation.*


No other public or private university in Massachusetts makes as measurable an impact on the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. UMass fuels the economy, not just by educating students, but in ensuring that these graduates have the skills today’s high-profile, in-demand jobs require.

Through programs and initiatives including the , CareerWorks and the Cybersecurity Education and Training Consortium, the university is actively engaged in cultivating talent, developing strategic leadership and working with the private sector to ensure that academic programming aligns with the needs of Massachusetts employers.

After graduation, nearly 70% of UMass alumni remain in the state. While UMass is producing more graduates than ever before, it’s the diversity of these graduates that helps reflect the state’s emerging and future needs. Currently, students from over 140 countries attend UMass.

By educating more Massachusetts students, attracting out-of-state and international students to Massachusetts and connecting them with employers, UMass is engaged in developing a workforce that can fill highly skilled jobs. With labor demand growing in Massachusetts for industries including STEM, health care, finance tech and manufacturing tech, UMass is a university where employers come to find their next leaders.