
UMassD Votes Coalition unveils VOTE sculptures

On the morning of February 8, students woke up to find 4 large, hand-made VOTE sculptures placed throughout the campus. The project created awareness for the February 12 deadline to register to vote in the presidential primary. The sculptures are part of an effort by the UMassD Votes Coalition to create a culture on campus that encourages students to exercise their right to vote.

Students stand with VOTE sculptures

Each sculpture is uniquely painted and decorated with messages relating to causes and contains a QR code that links students to , where they can register to vote. The project is a joint effort of the Leduc Center for Civic Engagement, the CVPA Sculpture program, the Center for Women, Gender and Sexuality, MASSPIRG, the Sunrise SouthCoast Hub, and the Frederick Douglass Unity House.

VOTE sculpture

According to Elizabeth Anusauskas ('21, Political Science and Economics), “Professor Stacy Latt Savage has been so supportive, sharing her expertise and sculpture lab space. She connected us to Shingo Furukawa in CVPA who used the CNC router to cut out letters then campus groups painted and embellished the letters to connect students with reasons to vote. As you can see, this has been a really collaborative project and I’m looking forward to doing more projects like this in the future.”

Student stands with VOTE sculpture

The project is sponsored by the  and will be on display until the Presidential election on November 3, 2020.