Tobiason receives environmental engineering award

Professor , civil and environmental engineering (CEE) department head, has won the 2021 Gordon Maskew Fair Award from the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists (AAEES) for his contributions to the environmental engineering profession.

John Tobiason

Tobiason, who has been a CEE faculty member since 1987, has more than 40 years of research, teaching and consulting experience in environmental engineering, mostly related to drinking water supply, treatment and distribution.

The , named for an environmental engineering pioneer, has been awarded yearly since 1971 to an individual working in environmental engineering or science. Criteria for receiving the award include having contributed to the status of the profession through exemplary professional conduct, recognized achievements in the practice of environmental engineering and science, or making significant contributions to quality control of the world’s environment. Tobiason was nominated for the award by CEE professor emeritus James Edzwald.

Tobiason is a registered professional engineer in New Hampshire, an AAEES board-certified environmental engineer and a Fellow of the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP). In 2019, he received the AEESP Charles R. O’Melia Distinguished Educator Award and the .