
Reactions to Dr. Javier Reyes appointment as UMass Amherst Chancellor

Governor Maura Healey
“Javier Reyes is an innovative and dynamic leader who will harness the full potential of UMass Amherst. I’m confident that he will inspire students and faculty alike to continue growing the school’s excellence in education and research. I congratulate Dr. Reyes, President Meehan and the UMass Board of Trustees on this historic appointment. I am grateful to Chancellor Subbaswamy for his many years of service to the university and for taking it to new heights. I wish him the very best in his future endeavors.” 

Tim Killeen, President, University of Illinois System President 
“Javier Reyes has shown himself to be a rising star in higher education leadership and this opportunity at the լ Amherst is well-deserved,” “It is always bittersweet to see talented people earn opportunities outside the University of Illinois System – Javier’s innovative approach as both provost and interim chancellor at UIC will be missed, but it is gratifying to find that great institutions around the country and the world appreciate just how talented the leaders at work around the U of I System are. Congratulations to Javier and I wish him continued success.”

Gordon Gee, President, West Virginia University
“Javier has a proven record of cultivating important relationships through energetic engagement with the academic and business communities to create experiential learning opportunities which are crucial to student success in today’s competitive higher education landscape.”

Robert L. Reynolds, president and chief executive officer of Putnam Investments 
“I want to commend President Meehan and the UMass Board of Trustees for having the vision to appoint Javier Reyes to the UMass Amherst chancellorship. Dr. Reyes, in my opinion, is one of the most dynamic and talented young leaders on the higher education landscape. I had the good fortune of working with Javier in West Virginia and was deeply impressed by his resourcefulness and his recognition that we are not defined by our past and that education is the key to a better and more successful tomorrow.”

Amanda Fernandez, CEO and Founder, Latinos for Education
“We at Latinos for Education are thrilled for the recommendation of Dr. Reyes as the next Chancellor of UMass Amherst. Seeing Latino leadership at the highest levels of education is an important signal to not only the Latino community, but to an ever-diverse student body that representation matters. From leading a large and diverse urban campus at University of Illinois-Chicago, Mr. Reyes will certainly bring an important perspective to UMass Amherst. We look forward to seeing his vision outlined and implemented in the coming years.”

Eneida Román, President and CEO of Amplify Latinx 
"I applaud UMass on the selection of Dr. Javier Reyes as the first Latino to lead this prestigious academic institution. He brings strong leadership from the University of Illinois Chicago, where he led a large, urban campus with highly diverse students and faculty during times of change. Dr. Reyes is tried, tested and exceptionally qualified to lead UMass Amherst."

Steven A. Tolman, President, Massachusetts AFL, UMass Trustee 
“Dr. Javier Reyes is a distinguished academic, published in scholarly journals, who understands that universities exist to expand the boundaries of human knowledge. At the same time, Dr. Reyes is passionate about our institutions needing to be agents for economic mobility for students and communities. I am deeply impressed by his ability to value and advocate for both aspects of our mission. I want to thank Search Committee Chair Victor Woolridge for his service. Becase of that service we have found a great leader for UMass Amherst.”

Dr. Laura Haas, Dean of the UMass Amherst Manning College of Computer and Information Science and Vice Chair of the UMass Amherst Chancellor Search Committee
“Dr. Reyes’ vision of a great public university as the engine of economic mobility fits perfectly with our mission as a land-grant institution dedicated to advancing the common good.  His excitement about our potential for global impact and his passion for serving students of all backgrounds augur an exciting future for the campus.”

Dan Rivera, CEO, MassDevelopment
Via Twitter: As a @UMassAmherst alumni & former Trustee, I'm excited by the appt. of Dr. Reyes as Chancellor. It's critical to have a leader of his accomplishment experience & commitment to public ed & a Latino leading the flagship campus sends a powerful message of opportunity & inclusion!

Dr. Barbara Krauthamer, Dean of the College of Humanities and Fine Arts, member of the UMass Amherst Chancellor Search Committee
“Dr. Javier Reyes brings a keen appreciation of the value of the humanities and arts at a leading research university and in the wider community.  He has the leadership experience to continue elevating research and teaching across our campus and to advance the university’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.  I look forward to working with him in the months and years ahead.” 

Jo Comerford, State Senator, D-Amherst
"Dr. Javier Reyes is a strong successor to Chancellor Subbaswamy. Both care deeply about the promise and potential of public higher education and both are committed to breaking down barriers for an increasingly and beautifully diverse student body. I look forward to a partnership with Dr. Reyes that benefits UMass Amherst, our region, and the people of Massachusetts."

Mindy Domb, State Representative, D-Amherst
Via Twitter: Excellent choice for @UMassAmherst @JavierReyesUIC will bring expertise, leadership and a commitment to access & affordability, social justice, student support, community engagement & research. Excited for our community & the UMass system.

Natalie M. Blais, State Representative, D-Sunderland
Via Twitter: @UMassAmherst has been transformed under the leadership of @KSubbaswamy I am excited about the future of the Commonwealth’s flagship campus with Dr. Javier Reyes at the helm.

Shayan Raza, President, UMass Amherst Student Government Association and member of the UMass Amherst Chancellor Search Committee
As a senior undergraduate in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, member of the Chancellor Search Committee, and the President of the Student Government Association at the լ Amherst, I enthusiastically endorse Dr. Javier Reyes for the role of Chancellor. I had the privilege of interacting with Dr. Reyes earlier this year during his conversation with the Search Committee and again during his recent campus visit. I am deeply impressed by his steadfast commitment to students and keen understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Like Chancellor Subbaswamy, Dr. Reyes is grounded and humble, and he brings these attributes into his engagement with the student body. Throughout his career, Dr. Reyes has worked in partnership with students, not only giving them a seat at the table, but also ensuring that their voices are prioritized. His approachable and empathetic demeanor makes him a Chancellor whom I am certain will be a beacon on our campus, whether in the Whitmore Administration Building or the Worcester Dining Commons.

Dr. Reyes brings with him a deep and meaningful understanding of the importance of a diverse and inclusive campus environment. He recognizes that diversity is not just about numbers, but about creating a community where all individuals feel valued and respected. He has been at the forefront of implementing initiatives that promote justice and equity, and has worked tirelessly to create a safe and welcoming environment for marginalized students, faculty, and staff.

During his tenure, Chancellor Subbaswamy challenged us to be revolutionary–to be unwavering in our belief in our community and dedication to the values that have sustained this storied campus for over 150 years. Dr. Javier Reyes embodies the very spirit of these values through his exceptional track record as a champion of public higher education. I am confident that he is the revolutionary leader that will guide UMass Amherst into a future of unprecedented progress and prosperity.

Samalid Hogan, Western Mass Latina Entrepreneur and UMass Amherst graduate
"As a UMass Amherst alumni this is a huge deal. This selection sends a clear message that UMass Amherst is committed to recruiting Latino students who have been the fastest growing demographic in Western Mass. While Amherst may not be a place most young Latinos are familiar with, they can feel more comfortable applying and studying there with someone who looks like them at the helm.”

Xiomara Albán DeLobato, VP and Chief of Staff for the Western Massachusetts Economic Development Council
“Dr. Reyes will be an incredible asset to the Western Mass community. In addition to his skill set, background and credentials, he will bring diverse representation at the university level, which is so critical. This will lead to more diverse families and students considering Western Mass, which feeds a new talent pipeline into our businesses. I think Dr. Reyes will be someone that the community can rally behind and further elevate this great university."